Annapurna circuit trek information

Annapurna circuit trek information

Annapurna circuit trek information is most essential component before heading to Annapurna trekking trails. Annapurna circuit trekking is  exciting adventure trekking in Nepal Himalaya and tally as world’s top 10 trekking destination. Trekking in Annapurna circuit  is known as Annapurna Thorong la pass trek compute as a challenging trekking in Annapurna region. Annapurna circuit treks offer beautiful Himalayan views of 3 above 8000 meters mountains – Mount Manaslu 8163, Mount Dhaulagiri 8167 m, Mount Annapurna 8091 m & 23 snowy capped mountain peaks of Annapurna region trekking.  This is only one trekking destination in Nepal integrated  multi  cultures, trans Himalayan zone, highest located Tilicho lake 4918 m, challenging Thorung la pass 5416 m,  Holy muktinath temple ( salvation temple) , kali Gandaki valley, touch to the Mustang trekking trails , Nepal windy Jomsom airport.

Around Annapurna trek has three different options- Beshishar via Thorong la pass hike through Kali Gandaki valley Ghorepani poon hill till Nayapul , Besishar cross the Thorong la pass hike till Jomsom and fly to pokhara and one of the short option Kathmandu drive to Chame or Manang Cross Thorong la pass Muktinath Jomsom and fly back or by overland to pokhara.  For all above Annapurna package trip required two different trekking permit – ACAP & TIMS permit issue through local Nepal trekking companies. Annapurna circuit Jomsom Muktinath Ghorepani poon hill trek is one of the longest options and Chame Thorng la pass Jomsom Muktinath trek is one of the shortest options. Autumn and spring season are best time treks in Annapurna circuit but doable around the year as per travelers holiday schedule. Annapurna circuit trekking difficultly level is moderate challenging.

Annapurna circuit trek cost is depend on choice of package and group size but doable by individual person too. Annapurna circuit trekking itinerary will generate as per trekkers holiday frame . Trekking in Annapurna circuit start from Beshishar or Chame drive from Kathmandu. Professional Nepal trekking guide is essential as this route has challenging Thorong pass 5416 m from see level. Trekkers may hire trekking guide and porter from Nepal trekking agency for secured journeys. Travelers may extend their trip to Chitwan National park for Chitwan jungle safari tour or Trishuli river rafting too. Trek in Annapurna circuit for beginners also possible. Around Annapurna trek is one of the most popular treks in Annapurna region.   

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